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메달은 어떻게 커스터마이징하나요? (심층 사례 연구)

메달_배너 사용자 지정 방법

According to the survey, about one-third of the guests do not know how to bespoke medals.

In this in-depth case study, we will take you behind the scenes in the manufacturing process of custom medal awards.

올바른 소재 선택부터 독특한 디자인 제작까지, 최고의 이벤트 주최자가 참가자에게 깊은 인상을 남기는 맞춤형 메달을 제작하기 위해 사용하는 전략과 전술을 살펴봅니다.

이 글이 끝나면 이벤트의 정신을 반영하고 눈에 띄는 메달을 맞춤 제작하는 방법을 완전히 이해할 수 있을 것입니다.

빈 메달

일반적으로 메달을 사용자 지정하려면 다음 단계가 필요합니다:

1. 사용할 메달 공예품 결정하기
2. 메달 사이즈 선택
3. 메달 액세서리 선택
4. 포장 결정
5. 신뢰할 수 있는 공급업체 찾기
6. Determine the budget range
7. 메달의 생산 주기

1단계: 사용할 메달 공예품 결정하기

If you are the head of a tournament organizer, you may not know what processes are applicable to your medals and what facilities your suppliers can offer you, don’t worry, after reading this article you will know how to bespoke medals and communicate with your suppliers.

레인보우 러닝 레이스

William is the organizer of a rainbow run program(a running race for fun, people can splash rainbow multi colour paint on others. ) with over 1000 participants. He has been working with us on custom medals for over 3 years. Sometimes he bespoke cast medals, sometimes custom insert medals.

We initially reached out to him, and it just so happened that he was also looking for a better supplier, so he sent us his logo and the design (if you don’t have one, don’t worry, most suppliers will provide a free design service). Tips: A shiny gold medal is more likely to attract more registrants.

At that time he did not tell us which processes he would like to use. (If you don’t have an idea, just send your logo to us, and we will offer free design service.)

그래서 저희의 경험을 바탕으로 가장 적합한 프로세스 목록을 제공했습니다.

그는 이러한 프로세스를 시도해 볼 가치가 있다고 생각했고, 우리는 다음 단계로 논의를 이어갔습니다.

물론 어떤 프로세스를 사용할지 이미 결정한 경우에는 공급업체에 직접 알려줄 수도 있습니다.

This article will list the massive range of the processes commonly used on medallions and explain how they work for your reference. If you want bespoke medals to be more special, you can use multiple processes at the same time!

소프트 에나멜

Fill the paint colour into the products. The surface is linear.

하드 에나멜

일정 비율의 페인트와 기타 접착제를 준비하여 제품에 채우고 나중에 표면을 연마하여 에나멜 효과를 얻습니다. 표면이 매끄럽습니다.

UV 인쇄

Print a pattern on the surface(Suitable for more complex pattern colours or colour gradients)


제품을 보호하기 위해 제품 표면에 투명 접착제 층을 추가합니다.

글로우빛을 흡수하여 밤을 밝게 비출 수 있습니다.

Transparent Colours

The colour is transparent and the bottom can be seen


제품을 잘라내어 이동하여 속이 비어있는 효과를 얻습니다.


The same product is electroplated in two colours


원호 모양 또는 다층/제품에 오목과 볼록의 두 가지 레이어만 있는 경우


The process of attaching a layer of the metal film to the surface of metal or other material parts by electrolysis. It can prevent corrosion, improve wear resistance, conductivity, and reflective properties, and enhance appearance. And make medals shiny gold in the sun, you can choose shiny gold silver or antique gold silver.


Cut out part of the pin and fill in the transparent colour


Set your pin with artificial diamonds (diamonds are available in a variety of colours)

힌지2층 핀은 문처럼 열고 닫거나 회전하도록 설계할 수 있습니다.


Custom insert medals, insert your branding or design on blank medals with your logo

2단계: 메달 사이즈 선택

Now, let’s talk about size, shall we? Size matters, but not in the way you think!
A bigger medal doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better unless you’re compensating for something, of course. The medal size should be determined based on the design and the purpose of the medal.

메달 크기

Based on William’s design, we suggested the size of the medal is 3″. William wanted a larger size, but to custom perfect 메달, he might have to reduce the process a bit, which might not work well, so William took our advice.

For instance, if you want custom personalised medals, you might want to go for a larger size to make it more eye-catching. On the other hand, if you’re making a medal for a charity event, a smaller size might be more appropriate to keep the costs down.

But don’t worry, we won’t leave you hanging on this one. We’ll help you choose the right size for your medal based on your design, budget, and logo. And if you’re not sure, we’ll guide you through the whole process. So, let’s work together to make your medal stand out, no matter the size!

여기에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 제품 where we have provided some styles for your reference.

더 많은 참고 자료를 보려면 그래픽을 클릭하세요.

3단계: 메달 액세서리 선택

To be in line with the Rainbow Run theme, we are in complete agreement with William’s goal of selecting bespoke printed ribbons due to their ability to incorporate gradient colours.

메달 액세서리에는 배지보다 메달 적용 시나리오에 맞는 옵션이 더 적습니다.

In our 10+ years of medal making, the vast majority of medal ribbons are made with either Fabric Ribbon or Satin Ribbon, Satin Ribbon can be printed with gradient colours and your event logo, while Fabric Ribbon is a bit plainer.

Customers also chose other accessories such as medal ribbons in the past, such as Ball Chains, ropes, and chains, you can request other accessories, and we will communicate with the appropriate manufacturer.

4단계: 패키징 결정

포장 단계로 넘어가면, 중국에는 '사람은 옷에 의존하고 말은 안장에 의존한다'는 옛말이 있는데, 이는 사람은 품위 있는 옷을 입으면 더욱 신령스러워 보이고, 말은 정교한 안장 담요를 장착하면 더욱 가파르고 아름답게 보인다는 뜻입니다.

Our personalised medals are also the same. Packaging is all about presentation.

What image do you want to convey to your awards winner, do you want it to be sophisticated, interesting, or valuable, consider the material of your packaging as well as the design, and even any other branding information you want to include.

But don’t forget that the most important thing the packaging needs to be is durable enough to allow for the protection of your personalised medals during shipping and storage.

At the same time, beautiful packaging can make you win in the future, it can impress the awards winner and even create a collecting hobby.

So let’s get creative and make your packaging stand out from everyone else!

We now have at least 6 packaging options for you to choose from. If you want other packaging methods, please send us the pictures, and we will solve it for you once and for all, you don’t need to spend time finding another supplier.

메달 포장

윌리엄은 다른 이벤트와 차별화되고 자신을 돋보이게 하여 사람들에게 깊은 인상을 남기기 위해 벨벳 상자를 선택했다고 합니다.

It must be admitted that customised medals with exquisite box packaging can be displayed beautifully, and William’s choice is excellent.

5단계: 신뢰할 수 있는 공급업체 찾기

So, you’ve decided on your design sketches, medal sizes, accessories, and even the packaging. Now, it’s time to find a match supplier to make your dream come true. But how do you know who to trust? Look for a supplier with a track record of delivering quality products on time and being responsive to your needs and concerns. You can also ask for references or look for reviews from other customers.

Remember, cheap isn’t always the best, with production time, shipping time, etc. involved in the middle – when it comes to something as important as your custom medallion, quality and reliability are key. Don’t miss your event time!

메달 제작 기계

Step 6: Determine The Budget Range

Determining your budget is like playing a game of Tetris – making sure everything fits together perfectly is the key to your success or failure! But fear not, my dear reader, for there are many options to fit every budget range and sometimes other processes can be used appropriately to achieve the same results.

Generally speaking, shiny gold silver and antique gold silver medal designs will be cheaper.

But don’t fear, my dear reader, for there are many options to suit every budget. From simple and affordable to extravagant and luxurious, there is a medal design option for everyone. Just be sure to keep in mind the various factors that may affect the price, such as the size of the medallion, the type of metal used, the craftsmanship used, and additional accessories or packaging. As long as you stay in communication with the vendor, you can customize the perfect medallion without breaking the bank.

7단계: 메달 제작 주기

Oh, my dear readers, it’s time to talk about production lead times range! Don’t worry, we won’t bore you with all the nitty-gritty details, but it is important to note that the production time for a bespoke medal will vary depending on a number of factors, such as the complexity of the design, the quantity required and the production method chosen.

일반적으로 맞춤형 메달을 제작하는 데는 며칠에서 몇 주가 소요될 수 있습니다. 저희는 신뢰할 수 있는 배송 파트너와 긴밀히 협력하여 메달이 최고 품질로 제작되고 제시간에 배송될 수 있도록 최선을 다할 것입니다.

다음은 참고할 수 있는 몇 가지 수치입니다:


기준 시간

 100 – 500


500 – 1000


1000 – 5000


10000 +


바다로 떠나는 DDP

30 - 35일

항공으로 DDP

15일 - 18일


3일 - 7일


25일 - 30일

철도 이용 

25일 - 30일

더 많은 게시물

메시지 보내기



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