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Топ-10 производителей эмалевых булавок в США

Булавка для признания заслуг сотрудников

Home Lapel pins are an important item for a large enterprise or large event to increase its influence, especially for employees who have a sense of belonging to the company. As living standards improve, people are no longer just satisfied with getting paid for their work; employees are more eager to be recognized by the […]

Как настроить медаль? (подробный пример)

Как настроить баннер медали

Home According to the survey, about one-third of the guests do not know how to customize the medal? In this in-depth case study, we will take you behind the scenes of the custom medal manufacturing process. From selecting the right material to creating unique designs, we will explore the strategies and tactics that top event […]

Сравнение технологий шелкографии и сублимационной печати

Сравнение технологий шелкографии и сублимационной печати

Home Introduction Silkscreen and dye-sublimated printing are the most commonly used technologies on ribbons. Silkscreen printing, which originated in China over two thousand years ago, is a traditional printing technique, while dye-sublimation printing is a modern technology. Despite dye-sublimation being a modern technology, silkscreen printing still has a wide range of applications. What are the […]

Являются ли медали настоящим золотом?

Home Introduction Nowadays, thousands of people pay attention to this question. Why? Because gold is a non-renewable resource and it’s very expensive. In the past, people will bite the medal, especially the champion to make sure it is real gold. But now because of the high price of real gold, most of the medals are […]


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