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كيفية تخصيص الوسام؟ (دراسة حالة متعمقة)

كيفية تخصيص_راية_الميدالية

According to the survey, about one-third of the guests do not know how to bespoke medals.

In this in-depth case study, we will take you behind the scenes in the manufacturing process of custom medal awards.

من اختيار المواد المناسبة إلى ابتكار تصميمات فريدة من نوعها، سنستكشف الاستراتيجيات والتكتيكات التي يستخدمها أفضل منظمي الفعاليات لابتكار ميداليات مخصصة تترك انطباعاً دائماً لدى المشاركين.

بحلول نهاية هذا المقال، سيكون لديك فهم كامل لكيفية تخصيص ميداليات تبرز وتعكس روح الحدث الخاص بك.

ميدالية فارغة

بشكل عام، يلزم القيام بالخطوات التالية لتخصيص الميداليات:

1. حدد حرفة الميدالية التي ستستخدمها
2. اختر حجم ميداليتك
3. اختر ملحقات الميدالية
4. تحديد العبوة
5. ابحث عن مورد موثوق به
6. Determine the budget range
7. دورة إنتاج الميداليات

الخطوة 1: حدد الحرف اليدوية التي ستستخدمها في صنع الميداليات

If you are the head of a tournament organizer, you may not know what processes are applicable to your medals and what facilities your suppliers can offer you, don’t worry, after reading this article you will know how to bespoke medals and communicate with your suppliers.

سباق قوس قزح للجري

William is the organizer of a rainbow run program(a running race for fun, people can splash rainbow multi colour paint on others. ) with over 1000 participants. He has been working with us on custom medals for over 3 years. Sometimes he bespoke cast medals, sometimes custom insert medals.

We initially reached out to him, and it just so happened that he was also looking for a better supplier, so he sent us his logo and the design (if you don’t have one, don’t worry, most suppliers will provide a free design service). Tips: A shiny gold medal is more likely to attract more registrants.

At that time he did not tell us which processes he would like to use. (If you don’t have an idea, just send your logo to us, and we will offer free design service.)

لذلك قدمنا له قائمة بأنسب العمليات بناءً على خبرتنا.

ورأى أن هذه العمليات قد تستحق التجربة، وانتقلنا إلى الخطوة التالية من المناقشة.

بالطبع، إذا كنت قد قررت بالفعل العمليات التي ستستخدمها، يمكنك أيضاً إخبار المورد مباشرةً.

This article will list the massive range of the processes commonly used on medallions and explain how they work for your reference. If you want bespoke medals to be more special, you can use multiple processes at the same time!

مينا ناعمة المينا

Fill the paint colour into the products. The surface is linear.

المينا الصلبة

قم بإعداد نسبة معينة من الطلاء والمواد اللاصقة الأخرى، وقم بتعبئتها في المنتج، وقم بتلميع السطح في مرحلة لاحقة لتحقيق تأثير المينا. السطح أملس.

الطباعة بالأشعة فوق البنفسجية

Print a pattern on the surface(Suitable for more complex pattern colours or colour gradients)


تتم إضافة طبقة من الغراء الشفاف على سطح المنتج لحماية المنتج

توهجمن خلال امتصاص الضوء، يمكن لليل أن يتوهج الليل

Transparent Colours

The colour is transparent and the bottom can be seen


قم بقص المنتج وتحريكه للحصول على تأثير مجوف


The same product is electroplated in two colours


على شكل قوس أو متعدد الطبقات / المنتج يحتوي على طبقتين فقط من المقعر والمحدب


The process of attaching a layer of the metal film to the surface of metal or other material parts by electrolysis. It can prevent corrosion, improve wear resistance, conductivity, and reflective properties, and enhance appearance. And make medals shiny gold in the sun, you can choose shiny gold silver or antique gold silver.

زجاج ملون

Cut out part of the pin and fill in the transparent colour


Set your pin with artificial diamonds (diamonds are available in a variety of colours)

مفصليمكن تصميم الدبوس المكون من طبقتين لفتحه وإغلاقه أو تدويره مثل الباب


Custom insert medals, insert your branding or design on blank medals with your logo

الخطوة 2: اختر حجم ميداليتك

Now, let’s talk about size, shall we? Size matters, but not in the way you think!
A bigger medal doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better unless you’re compensating for something, of course. The medal size should be determined based on the design and the purpose of the medal.

حجم الميدالية

Based on William’s design, we suggested the size of the medal is 3″. William wanted a larger size, but to custom perfect ميدالية, he might have to reduce the process a bit, which might not work well, so William took our advice.

For instance, if you want custom personalised medals, you might want to go for a larger size to make it more eye-catching. On the other hand, if you’re making a medal for a charity event, a smaller size might be more appropriate to keep the costs down.

But don’t worry, we won’t leave you hanging on this one. We’ll help you choose the right size for your medal based on your design, budget, and logo. And if you’re not sure, we’ll guide you through the whole process. So, let’s work together to make your medal stand out, no matter the size!

يمكنك الاطلاع على هذا المنتج where we have provided some styles for your reference.

انقر على الرسم البياني لمزيد من المراجع

الخطوة 3: اختر ملحقات الميدالية

To be in line with the Rainbow Run theme, we are in complete agreement with William’s goal of selecting bespoke printed ribbons due to their ability to incorporate gradient colours.

هناك خيارات أقل لملحقات الميداليات مقارنة بالشارات، وهو ما يناسب سيناريو تطبيق الميدالية.

In our 10+ years of medal making, the vast majority of medal ribbons are made with either Fabric Ribbon or Satin Ribbon, Satin Ribbon can be printed with gradient colours and your event logo, while Fabric Ribbon is a bit plainer.

Customers also chose other accessories such as medal ribbons in the past, such as Ball Chains, ropes, and chains, you can request other accessories, and we will communicate with the appropriate manufacturer.

الخطوة 4: تحديد العبوة

بالانتقال إلى خطوة التغليف، هناك مثل قديم في الصين يقول إن الناس يعتمدون على الملابس والخيول تعتمد على السروج، مما يعني أن الناس سيبدون في غاية الروحانية عندما يرتدون ثوبًا لائقًا؛ أما الخيول فتبدو شديدة الانحدار والجمال بشكل خاص عندما تكون مجهزة بزوج من الأغطية المتقنة للسرج.

Our personalised medals are also the same. Packaging is all about presentation.

What image do you want to convey to your awards winner, do you want it to be sophisticated, interesting, or valuable, consider the material of your packaging as well as the design, and even any other branding information you want to include.

But don’t forget that the most important thing the packaging needs to be is durable enough to allow for the protection of your personalised medals during shipping and storage.

At the same time, beautiful packaging can make you win in the future, it can impress the awards winner and even create a collecting hobby.

So let’s get creative and make your packaging stand out from everyone else!

We now have at least 6 packaging options for you to choose from. If you want other packaging methods, please send us the pictures, and we will solve it for you once and for all, you don’t need to spend time finding another supplier.

عبوات الميداليات

يعتقد ويليام أنه اختار الصندوق المخملي من أجل التميز عن غيره من الفعاليات وإبراز فعالياته الخاصة، وترك انطباع دائم لدى الناس.

It must be admitted that customised medals with exquisite box packaging can be displayed beautifully, and William’s choice is excellent.

الخطوة 5: ابحث عن مورد جدير بالثقة

So, you’ve decided on your design sketches, medal sizes, accessories, and even the packaging. Now, it’s time to find a match supplier to make your dream come true. But how do you know who to trust? Look for a supplier with a track record of delivering quality products on time and being responsive to your needs and concerns. You can also ask for references or look for reviews from other customers.

Remember, cheap isn’t always the best, with production time, shipping time, etc. involved in the middle – when it comes to something as important as your custom medallion, quality and reliability are key. Don’t miss your event time!

ماكينات صنع الميداليات

Step 6: Determine The Budget Range

Determining your budget is like playing a game of Tetris – making sure everything fits together perfectly is the key to your success or failure! But fear not, my dear reader, for there are many options to fit every budget range and sometimes other processes can be used appropriately to achieve the same results.

Generally speaking, shiny gold silver and antique gold silver medal designs will be cheaper.

But don’t fear, my dear reader, for there are many options to suit every budget. From simple and affordable to extravagant and luxurious, there is a medal design option for everyone. Just be sure to keep in mind the various factors that may affect the price, such as the size of the medallion, the type of metal used, the craftsmanship used, and additional accessories or packaging. As long as you stay in communication with the vendor, you can customize the perfect medallion without breaking the bank.

الخطوة 7: دورة إنتاج الميداليات

Oh, my dear readers, it’s time to talk about production lead times range! Don’t worry, we won’t bore you with all the nitty-gritty details, but it is important to note that the production time for a bespoke medal will vary depending on a number of factors, such as the complexity of the design, the quantity required and the production method chosen.

وبصفة عامة، قد يستغرق إنتاج ميداليتك المصممة حسب الطلب من بضعة أيام إلى بضعة أسابيع. سنعمل عن كثب مع شركائنا الموثوق بهم في الشحن لضمان إنتاج ميدالياتك بأعلى جودة وتسليمها في الوقت المحدد.

إليك بعض الأرقام التي يمكنك الرجوع إليها:


الوقت المرجعي

 100 – 500

7 أيام

500 – 1000

12 يوماً

1000 – 5000

15 - 20 يوماً

10000 +

20 يوماً

برنامج دبي الإنمائي عن طريق البحر

30 - 35 يوماً

برنامج DDP عن طريق الجو

15 - 18 يوماً


3 - 7 أيام

عن طريق البر

25 - 30 يومًا

بالسكك الحديدية 

25 - 30 يومًا

المزيد من المنشورات

أرسل لنا رسالة


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